
文 / 刘美琳 责编 / 刘美琳 2016-12-08 点击 6673


——Stand in Others’ Shoes 教学反思

南京市第十三中学 王雨婷


Stand in Others Shoes 是一篇夹叙夹议的文本。文章讲述了作者自己不幸的遭遇,以及改变她一生的一次经历,并引发了作者关于人生、幸福、死亡等诸多方面的感悟。文章可以分为三部分:第一部分讲述了作者两年之内痛失丈夫和儿子的悲惨经历;第二部分在字里行间映射出作者的心灵受到强烈冲击,照顾她的护士虽和她有着惊人的相似,却比她还要不幸;最后一部分点明主旨,升华主题,作者呼吁更多的人能够关爱他人,学会换位思考。为了上好这样一节充满情感、内涵、寓意的阅读课,笔者从语言细节入手,以感情变化为主线,以修辞手法为依托,引导学生挖掘主人公的情感变化及深层次含义,积极调动学生的创造性思维和批判性思维,以达到培养学生思维品质的目的。

下面笔者将以我校2016年“行知杯”课堂教学大赛初赛参评课Stand in Others Shoes为例,从教学目标、教学重难点、教学流程这三个维度进行教学反思。


Teaching objectives:

1. To understand the narration thoroughly by structure analysis and figure out the emotional changes of the author by in-depth reading.

2. To recognize and grasp the functions of rhetoric used in the article, like metaphor, personification, inclusio, etc. by reading beyond the lines.

3. To learn valuable lessons from setbacks by writing a story about your own battle with proper inherent emotions and reflections.



Teaching focus and difficulty:

1. How to inspire the students to figure out those inherent emotions hidden between the lines;

2. How to analyze the structure and languages from the application of rhetoric.



Teaching procedures:

Step1 Lead in

Watch a short video clip about how a beautiful lady helps a blind man.


Step2 Reading strategy

This is a first-person narration provided by a narrator inside the story as a/an ________ (main character/ participant/ observer).

While reading, we should pay attention to what she described and how she __________. felt

Q: Why did the author present the story in the first-person?


Step3 Structure analysis

Part1 (Para1-4): The author suffered from the physical and emotional pain due to the death of her husband and son.

Part2 (para5-7): The nurse who took care of the author shared many similarities with her but faced a more difficult situation.

Part3 (para8-9): The author has learned a life lesson from the experience.


Step4 Read between the lines

1. Six months after my husband died, I was sinking in the quicksand of grief. I could not pull myself out of the misery. (para3) Q1: Can we change the underlined sentence into “I was still in grief”?

2. Life handed me a perfectly wrapped lesson that opened my eyes to the fact that through my suffering I had allowed myself to become blinded by my self-pity. (para3) Q1: What's the function of “handed”“opened” Q2: What does the sentence mean?


Step5 Read beyond the lines

1. How hard is it to ask your patient how she's feeling? I wrote her off as a bad nurse who had little sympathy, and remained absorbed in my own emotional and physical pain. (Para5 L5) Q: Why does the writer use question mark hereCan we change it into a statement?2. The third night the young nurse was a little more talkative. She asked me how I was feeling (finally!). (Para5 L8) Q: What does the writer want to imply through “finally!)? 3. She looked at me and told me that her husband had died too, just two months earlier. I was stunned. Speechless. Shocked.(Para5 L10) Q: Is it strange to use “Speechless. Shocked.”4. Never, in any of the possibilities that my mind entertained of why this nurse was so unfriendly to me, did I even consider that she might be in the same pain I was. (Para6 L1) Q: Why is “Never” placed at the very beginning of the sentence【教学反思】细读文本的第二部分,作者的情感态度发生了细微且深刻的变化。通过对于句法措辞上的发问,激发学生对于作者情感的推测与判断,依据上下文语境再做出进一步论证,有效地培养学生逻辑思维、创造性思维等。第一问和第二问从句型、标点符号入手,第三句和第四句着力于语义重复、句式结构,探讨不同阶段所体现出的思想感情,作者对照顾她的护士由一开始的 “Dissatisfaction; complaint; hate; blame”到“Remain unsatisfied and contempt”再到 “strong feelings like shock, shame, regret and guilt” 以及最后“Realize her self-pity; Reflective, guilty”,各种错综复杂的情愫在回归语言本身、结合上下文后被各个击破、逐渐明晰。

Step6 Read beyond the passage

1. Please figure out the changes of the writer’s moods.

2. What is the author grateful for? How do you understand it?

3. Always take the time to be kind even when you’re suffering with your own pain. And don't assume that someone else has it easier than you. You never know the battles someone else is fighting.(Para9 )Whats the meaning of the word “battles? Is the sentence a good ending or not? Why?

“Battles” represent the difficult times and experiences everyone once suffered, is still suffering, or will suffer.

Inclusio (首尾呼应)


Step7 Critical thinking

What title might be given by the author?

【教学反思】文章原本有标题,但笔者在发给学生的文章中有所改动,删掉了原有标题,试图让学生自己拟标题,并进行比较,以培养其批判性思维。有同学回答:Care more about others; Everyone has a battle to fight; Be kind to others, etc.基于全文的理解制定标题,可以有效地锻炼学生的归纳概括能力;阐述拟定标题原因及优势,可以有利于培养学生的探究分析能力;学生自评、互评、他评相结合,可以充分发挥多元评价机制的辐射力与影响力;比较原作者标题和学生拟定标题,可以很大程度上鼓励学生敢于批判,突破自我。

Step 8 Writing

Write a story about your “battle” (hard time), which is very impressive and inspiring.You shoud: 1. describe the story with emotional changes if necessary.          2. mention what you have learned from the experience.          3. use rhetoric(修辞) we have learnt just now if you can. Step 9 Homework

Finish your writing and send it to my e-mail address: wangyutingiris@163.com



