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Applicant: '8'b*f'L  t^ g �e DD/MM/YY:'*'*'S �v�b�Na�� �18�\�N N3u���NkX�Q � Review of Guardian �under 18 years old is required here) '-*.'R*0  �v�b�N� Guardian: $'h  t^ g �e DD/MM/YY:.*/'2*3'6*7'4 �cP� ��b USMOa�� Opinions of The Recommending organisation '* ' ,� �dku� N�� ��S�SD� �(An extra page can be attached if there isn t enough space) 'E,r  �v�z�~{W[ �� Stamp(Signature): ',*3'`  t^ g �e DD/MM/YY:(*)',*-'0*1' �~�YO�[8ha�� Review of NYOGOC',w  �v�z�~{W[ �� Stamp(Signature): 3*:'_  t^ g �e DD/MM/YY:(9)',9-'091'� �Y�g�`�� �:Nkp�pKb �\O@wkp�pKb gňۏL�kp�p O�0���S� gň:\x�[gqh�ۏL�kX�Q,v^�la� 1. kp�pKb gň:NteWY�S>ez@w �(W ��b:\x�e ��^�n�� Nc�0�w�����z N �v^��Y��'YE^�^Џ�R0 2. ��P[:\x��0O ��Q���'`�N�S@b@wЏ�R��X[(WN�[�v�S�^ ��S�Q� ��b�ks^�ez@w�v��'YNx���Y0 3. �[�NYM|�[7b� ����Sgq��Vx�[�^�v�S�[��xkX�Q0 If chosen as the torchbearer, you will be wearing uniforms for the torch relay. Please fill in the form while refering to the folowing size information. Remarks: 1. The uniform of the torchbearer is a whole set and should be weared as a set.Substantial movement should be taken into consideration while choosing size for shirts and shorts. 2. Comfort and the sickness of socks should be taken into consideration while choosing size for shoes. One size larger than usual is recommended. 3. As for foreigher applicants, please choose your shoes sizes in reference to USA sizes.E."��ؚ HeightSO͑Weight gň:\x Clothing sizes��P[:\x Shoes size:\x�[gqh� Size Information R �w��Td` Short sleeved T shirt�ĉ'?,H:I*O'T7U,i'�:�*�'�,�:�*�'�, :*', 7%  �c �USMO� Recommending organisation :*', ' 7�j�$ ,'p�(,�* �." 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